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Sunday, July 05, 2009
yeah tests are over!

LOL!.. after maths paper (killer! :x) on thu, went to amk hub with christina, livvi, agnes and shin ying.... hahas ate pepper lunch. hahas. we walked about looking for some 5-ppl item which took us ages.. in the end we got nothing.. lols. the funny thing is we were always nearly on the verge of getting... it ranges from a whole series.. from rubberbands to dont know what.. i want the smiley face eraser! hahas but like they said, we wont bear to use it! hahas. imagine the smiley gone after much rubbing.. will be sad eh...

fri.. last paper. chi listening. awww....

After that, went bugis with shin ying, livvi and christina. hahas. saw smiley face watches! hahas. walked around iluma. really cool. hahas. the long escalator is funny... especially when we specially went to took it, and took the lift down again.. lols.
it is also cream puffs day! LOL.. think beard papa tastes quite nice! lols. thanks to shinying with her sudden craze for puffs...

tomorrow is another holiday... hahas. better enjoy it because it will not last!

11:10 PM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
because it's my birthday, i will make the exception and blog.

last night around this time, i was looking forward to my birthday. now at this time, cannot bear with it to go... hahas.

okay. special day or not, still a day. with all the common tests after holidays, hahahahhaas dont know what kind of birthday. hahas.

but nvm, it's the thoughts of all my lovely friends that count.
thanks for the well wishes and gifts from 12 midnight till awhile ago... *grins*

hmm... A big thank you to all!


all the best for that midyear common tests too!

10:41 PM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Yo! hahas. hmm

time really have wings. it is the last week of holidays. anyways, it didnt feel much like holidays... somehow, i rather mug for O levels than for A levels... the difficulty is like times 10? and my sis just told me that university is times 100? or maybe more. hahas.. anyway, im so going to miss her! omg. who is going to help me with my dying questions or some silly lame stuff... HAHA!

so rare that im blogging.. but wells, tomorrow is the day! hahas.. okay.. it's just nothing.. hahas..

watched 'Land of the lost' and 'ghosts of a girlfriend's past' last week. really nice movies.. especially land of the lost.. nice effects and of course... with my friends!! cheerios! :D

sigh... all that mugging... ><

somehow i feel it may all just be empty...

11:36 PM

Thursday, June 18, 2009
time travels fast. but i found out that people changes fast too.

sigh.. what's wrong with me.. i dont fit in anywhere.. my ideas are so different.. it is so hard to express them. or even if i did, maybe i did it in the wrong way, or they are difficult to be accepted by people.. hmm nvm..

what happen to all that encouragement and motivation between people..
what happen to the rapport...

is it just me? maybe. i guess so...

sigh... adamant to changes, but yet having to accept.....

well, holidays are ending........................T.T sad fact..

10:54 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009

Girls and guy gathering! i miss you people! hahas.
and i want more of the photos xD!!
'只有经历挫折,才能让我们成长。' this is what went through my head while having dinner.. i guess it is true. yupp. if lives is FLAT, maybe we wont discover stuff.
hmm.. i will try...
now for something familiar...-.- ''无论遇到什么困难,只要硬着头皮去做,就闯过去了。''

7:30 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009
This week i am seriously way too busy to blog about anything. I had a couple of alpha stuff. But one of them was cool. 'Imagine Singapore' Ever heard about it? it is about creating hope and possibilities through conversations that matter..... Hahas. Sounds like the interview. The training session was fun. Interview. Sounds intimidating? This time however, i'm the interviewER. hahas. Actually, not any better either. still feel uncomfortable and awkward. But it was okay i guess. I enjoyed the whole process and DRAW LESSONS from it.. Sorry. kind of crazy over P double EWW ( as my sister calls it! ). HAHA!

Wonder what's wrong with my sudden urge to blog. is that excitement? nah i dont think so. Anyway, im starting to feel like Aaron! perhaps we really thrive in a less competitive environment. lols.. i guess the days of ya-know are gone... hahas. Exactly how my sis told me... so in ur sec sch better do well!! and also, dont take PE for granted! otherwise, PE in JC = tough?

I guess im starting to feel the heat of jc? yes. HEAT. Sobs...
just have to move on move on move on...
dont know why, i think i have opened up more, and concentrating on stuff beyond academics. but somehow, a good balance is necessary.

YEP. i better throw away all the 'i want to give up...' and 'can do it one, can one....' thoughts... it's making things go wild!

9:29 PM

Thursday, April 09, 2009
The past week was okay so didn't really blog. Family day was on sunday. Family day run cum carnival? reminds me of phs haunted house which we did. that was cool. hahas. anyway, with new group of people this time, it's another great experience! hahas. Smiley face! (:

I collected my SGC. It's so cool. hahas.

I went back to see guzheng on tuesday. They did great. More practice and i think they will be perfectly fine! hahas.
Jiayou for syf! All the best!

Hmm.. miss the 21 strings..

7:33 PM

saw this on sun's blog and decided to do it. hahas. i'm not bored or anything.

Name: Yjun
Shoe Size: 6?
Height: 157?
Where do you live: singapore
Favorite drinks: green tea, ice lemon tea etc

Have you ever -
Been on a plane: yupps!
Fallen asleep at school: quite rare, but yes.
Broken someone's heart: if i did, im so sorry..
Fell off your chair: yeah.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: subconsciously i guess
Saved emails: some of them

What is -
Your room like: cosy
The last thing you ate: dinner
Ever had chicken pox: yea
Stitches: Nope.
Do you believe in love at first sight: maybe
Like picnics: depends on who are the people i picnic with.
Who was/were the last person/people you dance with: er... cant recall..
Last made you smile: my elder sister.
You last yelled at: my small sister.
Today is 9th April, 7.22pm

Did you -
Talk to someone you like: yupp
Kiss anyone: Nope.
Get sick: Nope, but maybe on the verge. i mean the 'ill' not the 'sick'
Talk to an ex: huh? nah..
Miss someone: kind of.
Eat: i just did.

Best feeling in the world: be loved and love.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yupps.. beanie!
What's under your bed: another mattress?
Who do you really hate: No one in particular?
What time is it now: 7.23pm? didnt the qn appear a min ago..

Random -
Is there someone on your mind now: yea
Do you have any siblings: yupps!
Do you want children: Yeah, hopefully twins
Do you smile often: at least once a day? hahas.
Do you like your handwriting: quite okay. but my sis one is so nice! hahas.
Are your toe nails painted: Nope.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep on: erm my parents one?
What color shirt are you wearing now: pink
What were you doing yesterday: GP...
I can't wait till: SATURDAY!
Are you a friendly person: guess so, hahas.
Do you have any pets: nope...
Where is the last person you have feelings for right now: Singapore.
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now: erm..
Do you sleep with the TV on: No tv in my room.
What are you doing right now: this quiz!
Have you ever crawled through a window: Nope.
Are you too forgiving: Maybe.
Are you closer to your mother or your father: sister! lol
Who was the last person you cried in front of: my sis?
How many people can you say you've really loved: i dont count. lols.
Do you eat healthy: Sometimes!
Do you still have pictures of you and your ex: wth is this lols..
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: Think so?
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: Amanda
Are you confident: Depends.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. eat
2. sleep
3. play
4. joke
5. talk

things on my to-do list today:
1. hw
2. tv
3. blog
4. talk
5. more hw?!

5 snacks i enjoy:
1. chocolates
2. hello panda
3. man tou
4. pocky
5. cookies

5 things i would do if i were a billionaire:
1. donate to charity
2. travel with my family
3. give my parents
4. do the first 3
5. do the first 4

5 of my bad habits:
1. complain
2. whine?
3. snacking
4. sleeping
5. keeping quiet?

5 places I have lived in:
lived means permanantly right,
1-5. Singapore

7:18 PM



She's sixteen, born on the 24th day of june, and she has been through high school. Her last and maybe the most favourite years are spent in 3/4 Endurance in Presbyterian High School!
She was part of the guzheng ensemble too.

Currently in Anderson JC, 24/09.

Speaking of which, you may not know her well enough. She, like anybody and everybody else, wants to be appreciated and cared for. For further details, you may have to know her better. (x

One of her devilish craves i found out, is dark chocolate. She also loves her goddad and grandmother's cooking.

She is glad to have great friends like Amanda, Yeesin, and the ones in her clique - Wengsun, Rebecca, Jessica and Dew. Along with her friendly classmates who endured with her. =p Plus friends like Weilin, Jervis, Huiting and YOU!

She is not really the outgoing sort and hopes to cherish what she has in her life now, and not to take things for granted. (:



